Teaching Agronomist

I teach undergraduate crop and soil science courses.

Nels Hansen
Associate Professor

I consider myself a: Agronomist

My Highest Degree: Doctorate

I received my degrees from: Texas A&M University Brigham Young University Brigham Young University - Idaho

I received my degree(s) in: PhD in agronomy, MS in agronomy, BS in agronomy, AAS in natural sciences.

Length of Career: I have been an agronomist for seven years.

What was your career path to your current position?
I worked as a teaching and research assistant as a graduate student. After graduating with a PhD, I was hired at The Ohio State University for a 100% teaching appointment. I now serve as Chair of the Agricultural and Engineering Division at the Agricultural Technical Institute, The Ohio State University.

What projects are you working on now? What interesting projects have you worked on/led in the past?
I am developing and revising curriculum for a sustainable agriculture associate of science degree program. The program is being developed for on campus and distance education.

What do you find most interesting about your work (either currently or a story of a past experience)?
I currently serve as an academic advisor to nearly one hundred undergraduate students. Each student has a story and each brings something new to the program. I am most interested in helping people achieve their academic goals.

What do you like best about your job and/or what do you like best about being in your profession?
I enjoy the opportunities I have to continue learning and developing as a scientist, a teacher, and as an administrator.

What’s the one thing you would change about your job/profession that would make it better?
I would receive leadership and human resource management training.

What would you say to someone thinking about entering the profession? What advice would you give for succeeding in this field?
If a person were thinking of entering the profession, I would suggest spending time with people who are already doing the job and find out what their days, months, and years are like.

Success usually comes to those who understand the expectations of the job and can execute a plan to do what they committed to. I would advise anyone to develop an unrelenting ability to get things done on time.

What do you like doing in your free time?
I spend time with my family and occasionally read something non-work related.

If you have more questions about my career, feel free to contact me at:

Nels Hansen
Rexburg, ID