Welcome to our Career Profiles page. As a member, you have the ability to positively influence those interested in a career like yours to consider a similar field of study. Tell us about you and your career by completing the career profile below. The profiles will be gathered on one larger page and linked to various pages on our website, including the Career Placement Center, K-12 Resources pages, SASES page, and more. Each member providing a profile will have their own, unique profile page which is accessed from a broader list of member profiles.
Your Job Title and Employer are drawn from your Member Record. You may edit them below for use in your Career Profile without altering your Member Record. If you enter a value here it will also override your Privacy and Profile Settings in My Account for these fields. Visit My Account to update your Member Record. Job Title: Career Profile Job Title: Employer: Career Profile Employer:
I consider myself a(n)
My Highest Degree Earned is
Provide the name of the college(s) or university(s) where you received your degree(s):
I received my degree(s) in:
My Employer Type is
Please provide a title for your profile and a one sentence description. This information will display on the overall Career Profiles webpage.
Profile Title
(examples might be Consulting Soil Scientist, Plant Breeder, Extension Agronomist in Georgia, etc.)
Profile Description
Provide a one-sentence description. Examples might be: I am a consulting soil scientist specializing in urban soils and construction. Or I am a crop scientist researching drought-resistant traits in corn. Or, As an Extension Agronomist in Georgia, I work with farmers on peanut production and I also teach in a classroom.
Contact Information
We would like to have those who read your profile contact you with career questions. Indicate whether this is acceptable. If yes, your name, employer, city, state/province, work phone, and email will be listed at the bottom of your profile. You may further refine what information is shown in your profile from your Privacy and Profile Settings under My Account.
You have set your privacy settings to not list you in any Member Directory. This setting overrides the option below to show your contact information. You may change your Privacy and Profile Settings in My Account. This setting will not prevent your Career Profile from being shown. Only your contact information will be not be shown.
Yes, readers may contact me with career questions.
No, I would prefer not to be contacted with career questions.
For step 2, please answer the following questions about yourself and your career. Please feel free to provide any relevant information in response to these questions when completing the profile. Remember, we want the viewer to get a unique and interesting perspective of you and your career. We recommend keeping the answers to no more that 3-4 sentences per question.
How long have you been a(n) [FIELD]?
What was your career path to your current position?
What projects are you working on now? What interesting projects have you worked on/led in the past?
What do you find most interesting about your work (either currently or a story of a past experience) and/or being a(n) [FIELD]?
What do you like best about your job and/or what do you like best about being in your profession?
What’s the one thing you would change about your job/profession that would make it better?
What would you say to someone thinking about becoming a(n) [FIELD]? What advice would you give for succeeding in this field?
What do you like doing in your free time?
Providing Photos
To get started, login to your member record. Once you login, you’ll be brought back to this page. There are three sections to the profile.